Saturday, May 21, 2011

Moving On to Assignment Two

I'm getting a bit of a late start on the second assignment for MLIS 7505. This week was the last week of school for my students, so I had to make exams and study guides, grade tests, and attend graduation last night. My first group of 8th graders, many of whom I also taught in 9th grade, graduated last night. It was a little bittersweet. They were a really great group of kids. I was so exhausted from all the goings on this week that I stayed in bed for nearly 11 hours! Still feel like I could take a nap this afternoon. Perhaps after I get a good portion of assignment two finished. The good news is, after Tuesday, I'm free to do nothing expect work on grad school. Summer is always a relief, even though classes are condensed. It is much easier having all day to work on readings and assignments than trying to squeeze time in before and after work. Now, I'll be able to goof off some and still have time to get work done. Yay for summer reading time!

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