Thursday, June 2, 2011

Assignment 4 - RFID and its uses in libraries

This is my final assignment for MLIS 7505. Some background info on RFID, as well as its applications in libraries, including advantages and disadvantages. Fun fact -- each section was completed individually by a team member, and ironically, our sections in numerical order are also in alphabetical order. I did part one, Bethany did part two, and Britton did part three. Completely unintentional -- each member chose a section. Weird! :-)

Sarah Benefield
Bethany Havas
Britt Ozburn

MLIS 7505

Applied Technology:  RFID in Libraries
I. Background to RFID
Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology allows monitoring and tracking of inventory in a store, shipping facility, or even library. This technology allows a company or institution to track entire shipments, or individual items within a shipment, or both. An RFID tag consists of a computer chip and internal antenna, which work together to store information about the item and transmit that information to scanning devices via radio waves. Tags are often “passive,” meaning they have no power of their own and the intensity of their range is limited. Passive tags must be read, rather than send out a radio frequency pulse with the information contained (Caldwell-Stone, 2010).
Different types of RFID tags have different purposes. Some tags are meant to give general information – where an item is in relation to where it should be, for instance. Some tags are meant to give more specific information, such as the temperature in that location, and all types of tags are meant to eventually be purposed for scanning hundreds of items at once. RFID technology is more advanced than barcode technology in that RFID scanners need not “see” the RFID tag in order to scan that tag. No line of sight is needed to inventory items (Smith & Konsynski, 2003).
The purpose of RFID is simple – automation. Regardless of the implementation and locale, use of RFID increases the number of processes that lend themselves to automation and reduces the amount of lost inventory, whether within a facility or by theft. Also, RFID technology would allow collaboration amongst different corporations or facilities, since inventory would no longer belong to a specific store or facility, but would be inventory from a specific company.
However, due to concerns over security breaches created by RIFD tags, many have long resisted adopting RFID technology. People have worried that RFID tags would allow consumer information to become public to all, or only to those who can hack into the information or afford it outright. Would the government use this information to spy on consumers? Would companies use this information to target consumers individually? Would thieves be able to pursue victims based on purchase information gathered from RFID tags? These are all concerns consumers have had over the years, concerns which have been invalidated by the strength of RFID tags and the amount of information the tags are capable of tracking. Passive tags cannot be read from a distance of more than twenty feet. Active tags can be read from farther away, if other radio frequency noise does not interfere, but RFID tags contain no more information than a store barcode already includes, so information theft is unlikely (Frequently Asked Questions, 2011).
Another reason for resistance to RFID is tags are prohibitively expensive for retail purposes – sometimes as much as a dollar per tag, and once the items have been inventoried, the tags are often disposed. Currently, there is a goal to create tags for as little as five cents each, but that goal is still some years away, and tags at present cost twenty to forty cents each (What is RFID? 2011). If tags were not disposed after every use, however, cost would not be so exorbitant.
II. Advantages and Disadvantages
RFID is an amazing leap in technology. Whereas librarians were at one time beholden to handwriting numbers or titles to record items, and then scanning specific items within direct sight and contact, RFID allows individuals to identify items without seeing or making direct contact with them. Additionally, an RFID tag, unlike many barcode stickers, can be placed anywhere on an item and still be easily picked up by a reader.
The ease and speed with which these identifiers can be scanned takes less time than traditional identifying stickers, which can speed up patron service by providing quicker checkouts. In fact, since it is more difficult for a scanner to miss Radio Frequency Identification tags than it is for a scanner to miss (by error of technology or library staff) a barcode sticker, circulation statistics would be more reliable. As for returning items, RFID tags remove the need for staff to locate and scan a barcode to identify materials. Radio Frequency Identification paves the way for automated check-in procedures at the point of return and could immediately update patron accounts as the activity occurs.
Library maintenance, such as inventory, is also infinitely assisted by RFID, which prevents library staff from having to pull individual items from every shelf and scan every barcode. Instead, the radio identification allows a reader to pick up the item records without taking everything off the shelf.
Current library security often involves magnetized strips, such as Tattle Tape, which, when magnetized, set off security gates so that an alarm will sound. However, many other items like laptop computers and cell phones are commonly thought to interfere with magnetized security materials. If library security was intended to react to RFID tags instead of magnetized strips, security could be more reliable.
On the other hand, RFID tags signals can be compromised by sufficiently covering or overlapping the tags. The National Information Standards Organization (2007) also recognizes that, as a non-contact method of identification, there are concerns in the information professional community about the privacy of users with RFID materials. Ultimately, one of the greatest impediments to implementing Radio Frequency Identification processes in an information center is the high overhead cost, given the current price of individual tags. If a library wishes to go this route, it will cost a large amount of money and many hours of staff time to convert their stations and stacks and modify their circulation and technical procedures. Not only will a library have to replace their traditional circulation stations with RFID-enabled technology, but every individual item in the library must be fitted with its own RFID tag – a daunting task for an established collection with thousands and thousands of items.
However discouraging the initial changes may be, one cannot deny that the pace of technology affects libraries in such a way that the organizations must eventually succumb to the march of time. If they do not keep up, they will become outdated, irrelevant, and untenable in the fast-paced information age. Libraries eventually must weigh their options and their budgets to determine when, not just if, they will adapt.

III. Applications in Libraries
    When an RFID chip retains an item’s barcode number and does not have to be seen to be used, many great advantages are brought forth.  The greatest advantage to note for the patron is an easier checkout experience.  Whether checking out two items or a stack, the patron can set the stack of items on a pad, and each item’s information is sent to the library’s management system.  It is, therefore, not necessary to look for and scan each individual item’s barcode.  The item’s security is turned off, the item is checked out, and the patron is ready to leave the library in less time.  The instantaneous disabling of the item’s security also saves time.  This has led to the widespread use of self-checkout stations, similar to those at many major grocery stores.  These stations usually contain a library card scanner, RFID pad, receipt printer, and an easy, intuitive way for the patron to pay library fines on the spot.  RFID’s security integration also allows for a self-service holds shelf, where patrons can pick up their own holds and check them out themselves.
    RFID brings several other possibilities for library staff behind the scenes.  Another great advantage is at check-in.  When there are a great number of items to check in, a staff member can place an entire stack on an RFID pad rather than scan each barcode, therefore saving time.  The security is enabled and the item is checked in.  Some libraries using RFID also use a conveyor belt for items to be checked in, saving staff time.  According to the National Information Standards Organization (2007), an RFID pad needs less than one second to read an RFID chip, including taking its number, enabling its security, and sending the information back to the Integrated Library System (ILS).
    RFID assists in the library’s collection management as well.  RFID packages for libraries usually include a wand that reads RFID information.  This wand is an electronic device that can integrate with the library’s ILS.  When taken through the library stacks, the wand can read each item’s RFID information and check the catalog to make sure it is encoded correctly.  The wand can also verify that the item is properly checked in with security enabled, not checked out or marked “Missing” or “Damaged” in the ILS.  This greatly reduces the frequency of items being incorrectly presumed missing.


Caldwell-Stone, D. (2010). Chapter 6: RFID in libraries. Library Technology Reports. 46(8), 38-44. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Frequently asked questions. (2011). RFID Journal. Retrieved June 1, 2011 from

National Information Standards Organization. (2007). RFID in U.S. Libraries. Baltimore, MD. Retrieved from

Smith, H. & Konsynski, B. (2003). Developments in Practice X: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) – An Internet for physical objects. Communications for the Association of Information Systems. 2003(12), 301-311. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

What is RFID? (2011). RFID Journal. Retrieved June 1, 2011 from

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Working on Assignment 4

I’ve been working on assignment 4 today. My group (group 5) is discussing RFID in the library. I thought the background of RFID would be really simple. It was surprisingly difficult to find information on RFID without discussing its implications for various locales. I couldn’t talk about how it would work in a library, as that was Britt’s section, and I couldn’t go in depth about the advantages of it, as that was Bethany’s section. Just realized I was in a group with Britton and Bethany. Feel so out-of-place. One of these things is not like the other… Anyway. I hope my section is satisfactory for my B people, and that we will do well on the assignment. So far, though, all As for me in this class. So, yay! And after tomorrow, I’m free! Well, until summer classes start. So, I’ll be free until June 8. A little break. Better than none.

Assignment 3

I have completed assignment 3, for better or worse. Inexplicably, I got the due date confused. I thought it was due yesterday. It was due today. I had more time than I thought. Alas, I already turned it in last night. It’s just as well, since it is unlikely that I would have accomplished much more than I did. Some people are seriously paranoid about sharing their site creation information. How hard is it to say, “This site was created using blah, blah, blah”? If I had an awesome website, I would want people to know how I created it. It’s not as if they can create the same site without repercussions, if I bothered to copyright it. If I didn’t, well, then that’s my own fault. Sigh. Anyway, I am glad I now know about digital libraries and institutional repositories. They do seem quite helpful, especially if you are looking for something subject specific, or location specific. And some of them are very prettily arranged. I particularly like Mountain West Digital Library, for its look. Hopefully, I will get to explore its content more in depth at another time.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Success in WordPress

Okay, with extensive help from Dr. Yang, and a crash course in Unix codes, I was finally able to create a WordPress page. And, after having to request permission changes twice, I can now finally upload backgrounds and media. So, here is my WordPress site: Worship it in all its glory. :-)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

WordPress Blogging

It's official. I am doomed in this course. I have had nothing but problems with WordPress and all of the required steps to even begin the blog. I intended to get this assignment over the weekend. I only got the blog actually created last night, with extensive help from Dr. Yang. Today, I've not been able to upload any files or install a theme yet. I am thinking the simplest software and technology possible is what I will be using in the future, when possible. Anything complicated is apparently out of the realm of possibility.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Techno Gods Must Hate Me

I am having serious issues with technology today. I had to call the Help Desk to get my AD username and password. Then I had to call back because the password I had been given didn't work. It took about ten minutes to have everything, including Blazeview completely reset. Finally, I was able to login to AD, download WordPress, and attempt to get FTP going. Only to find out that the password for AD doesn't work for my FTP. I called Help Desk again, and I was told that there was nothing they could do except place a work order. So, hopefully this will be taken care of at some point... Sigh. I am thinking that there is a conspiracy against me in participating in this class.

Moving On to Assignment Two

I'm getting a bit of a late start on the second assignment for MLIS 7505. This week was the last week of school for my students, so I had to make exams and study guides, grade tests, and attend graduation last night. My first group of 8th graders, many of whom I also taught in 9th grade, graduated last night. It was a little bittersweet. They were a really great group of kids. I was so exhausted from all the goings on this week that I stayed in bed for nearly 11 hours! Still feel like I could take a nap this afternoon. Perhaps after I get a good portion of assignment two finished. The good news is, after Tuesday, I'm free to do nothing expect work on grad school. Summer is always a relief, even though classes are condensed. It is much easier having all day to work on readings and assignments than trying to squeeze time in before and after work. Now, I'll be able to goof off some and still have time to get work done. Yay for summer reading time!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Luminotes Wiki

I decided I wanted to choose a wiki for the library of the school where I work. My school is a 6-12 combination with about 1000 students. I knew I wanted to keep the wiki as simple as possible for all users, and I wanted support for myself in the installation and use. I decided I absolutely wanted WYSISYG, since most students and teachers are not familiar with HTML code. I also wanted to find an inexpensive wiki, since the library budget is nonexistent.
I used WikiMatrix's WikiWizard to narrow down the different wikis specific to my needs. I looked through the results, and I finally decided on Luminotes. It is aimed at educators and students, it's free, and it has all of the features I wanted and more. It even offers an RSS feed, so teachers could monitor progress. I do wish it had email notification, but the RSS feed should be sufficient.

Wiki Wonderful

I have never before considered how useful a wiki would be to a school system. Like many school systems, ours discourages students from taking work back and forth between home and school using jump drives (viruses, malware, spyware, oh my!). Unfortunately, it never fails that a student is out the day before a paper is due, or just isn't quite finished on that assignment. With a wiki (and education on how to use it), the students would be able to transfer easily with no risk of contamination. Also, teachers would not have to worry about kids printing out, unless they specifically wanted them to, and could use such services as TurnItIn quite easily. I haven't chosen a favorite yet, but I will update when I do. Wikis, the jump drive of the future? Perhaps.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

RSS Feeds and their uses

I think I am beginning to understand the value and use of RSS feeds. I've subscribed to VSU's MLIS RSS feed, and I am now aware of job postings and other news that I never would have known about before. It's overwhelming to look through an entire site sometimes just to find the new information. RSS feeds are a great way to keep up with updates and pertinent new information. I love when I learn new things I'll actually use!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

RSS feed

I think I have created RSS feeds as I was supposed to. is one feed. is the other.

I have no idea if I'm doing all of this correctly! But I will continue to view it as I update my blog and hope that the two are in sync. Fortunately, there are people much smarter than me creating these technologies, so perhaps it will work despite my efforts.

For now, I hope it will work, and I am learning.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Introduction to me and my blog

My name is Sarah Benefield. My purpose in creating this blog is to fulfill an assignment for MLIS 7505 (Applied Technology for Library Practice), one of the courses I am taking to complete my Master's in Library Science. I've never created a blog before, so I feel a bit odd about this. I haven't even kept a diary since middle school. This blog is supposed to document my experiences within this technology course. I am already overwhelmed. Blogging I can handle. We are also supposed to create an RSS feed and subscribe to an RSS feed. I don't even yet know what an RSS feed is. We are also supposed to describe what we would look for in a wiki for our library, fictitious or real. But, I know all of this will be useful for running a library one day, so here goes nothing!

To provide a little background about myself, I grew up in a little bitty town in southwestern Georgia. I currently live one town over, in a slightly less little bitty town which is about 35 minutes from Dothan, Alabama, and about 30 minutes from the Florida line. I can make it to Tallahassee in about an hour and a half (unless my husband is driving -- then it might be just over an hour).
I graduated from Thomas University (Thomasville) in 2005 with my B.S. in Secondary English Education. I have been teaching since 2005, and I have taught literature and composition in grades 9, 10, and 11, as well as English Language Arts in grade 8. I currently teach both 8th and 9th grades, since my school is a 6-12 combination.
I am married (8 years this June!), and have two furry children. We have a Great Dane named Isis, who is really like a child in so many ways. She'll be 10 months old this weekend. She's already 30 inches tall and weighs about 100 lbs. She even has acne, so she's more like a teenager. :-) We also have a kitten, a rescue that we found in the middle of the road one night. She's a special little kitty, and she has her issues, but she's a sweetie.
I have always had a love of books. I can't ever remember a time in my life when I didn't know how to read. My mom loves telling me (and anyone who will listen) about how my kindergarten classroom ran out of books for me and had to go to the first grade teacher to get more. I chose English as my focus for teaching, and I think I will enjoy the library so much more. Surrounded by books, all day long -- I can't imagine a better job!

I am going to spend this weekend reading about RSS feeds and wikis, so I'll have more experiences to report over the weekend. Experience 1 - Blogging isn't so bad. I can't imagine why anyone would want to read about my life, but since that isn't really my concern in this case, I'll live with being boring. Maybe this will be cathartic. And maybe now my husband won't have to be the only sounding board for my class issues. I know he'll be relieved. :-)